Crypto Price Predictions 2022


Understanding the top 10 pieces

As printers, welcome back Simon Severino here. And I'm super excited to go with you through price predictions, 2022. Now Simon, how can, you know, 20, 22 I don't, but I study the people who do this for a living and they are sharing their reports with us. And Maari has shared their report, which is full of patterns and predictions. It's 164 pages. So if you have time go download it, it's free and you will find a lot of information. If you want to have it summarized in a couple minutes, here we are. Let's go through the highlights together. The report is really interesting and even written in a fun and informal way. So it's one of the most fun reports to read actually, and is structured in a way that we will understand what are the top 10 pieces and areas to look at price predictions for each area who are the people to watch in the space?

What about Bitcoin? What about regulation? Risk infrastructure. They talk NFT world, decentralized finance, Ethereum, and all that ecosystems around that. What about Dows? And then at the end they add even some more cool stuff. So let's start really at the beginning. How high can we fly according to MSA and what should we do when winter comes crypto winter? So let's go directly there. How high can we fly? They have three scenarios now for us, scenario one very early 22 top. And then there scenario two, 10 X over the whole year, 2022 of all cryptos, and then scenario three, Supercycle, gradual linear up trend, unbroken uninterrupted. And they also add that the most likely of these scenarios is obviously scenario one early 20, 22. There might be a top and then a bear market. This fits well with most of the experts that we have studied and shared here on the channel. And what are the main topics that they see?

Well, there is the collapse of institutional trust. Are people still not trusting institutions? Yes. So according to Andre Horowitz, no institution is seen as being both competent and ethical right now. So that's why people trust software more than they trust institutions right now. And how will they act let's move forward? What does this mean for crypto for the metaverse? So the, the web three is inevitable for this reason it's here and it's just starting out. It's at the very beginning of something big. Now what about NFTs? And Dows Dows are here to come. They say 20, 22 is the year of the Dow. Nfts will still have an inflow, but 99% of the NFTs will not hold their worth. There will be an inflow in the NFT technology. And so according to Maari, we should invest in the NFT technology, not in an FTS, which I'm happy to read because this has been our thesis all, all the year long on, on the channel, right?

So there will be a decou of the technology and the assets themselves invest in the technology. Don't invest in the assets and there will be permanent venture capital for crypto and never losing really to, to, to work. And then what should we do in order to survive the next winter and what prices do they see coming up for us? So let's go to the winter. We should do three things. First. Don't touch leverage. If you're not a professional trader using leverage everything that using money that you do on half that's leverage. If you are not an, an institution and a professional trainer trader, you are basically giving away your money to those who are so don't use leverage second on taxes. They say, people don't understand if you, you put in 10 K into, in, in January of this year, and then it becomes 100 K in December, and then it tanks in January to 25 K.

The next price target

Then now you owe your government in taxes, more money than you have. So use the tax report of this year in December to pay your taxes because it can save you a lot of headache and then on shorts do not try to time the market. Again, this is something only a few professional traders get, right? So don't even try to time the tops and time the bottoms just create your thesis and your portfolio by the dips and hold. That's how we can survive the winter, according to messa and then price predictions. So what will happen in early 2022? So Bitcoin, according to messa might be in early 2022, between 100,100 to 25,000 and the next price target. If things go bit bonkers is half a million for one Bitcoin. Then Ethereum is seen as a three to five X from here in 2022.

And the next price target is 15 to 20 X, but less realistic. So three to five is the realistic scenario in their view. And what about all the rest? The rest will move with Ethereum. So Solana Paul avalanche, Terra polygon a are seen to move with Ethereum. So again, three to five X and influenced by that defi is here to stay NFTs again. Yes, the technology know the assets. They will not hold their value, but according to SU 10% of crypto that's today's 225 billion us, the dollars will be the NFT market cap, 10% of all crypto. So NFT technology, yes. Will the space see even more money in flow? Yes. Will the single NFTs be worth what we think they are today? No. Okay. And then what else did I find for you guys?

So we went through chapter one and yes, at the end of chapter one, I found something really interesting. Also they shared their own portfolio and you know, am much more interested in what people own than in what people tell us. Right? So let's see their own behavior. The the CEO of Maari holds BT C E Luna perpetual room S E C and tribe FA and the open C, which I guess is shares and not coins because there is no open C coin then either AXS BT C E RO fantom, R GT maker do wifi, a N I MLN and Renze chase holds E Solana, a L CX H T O to ocean and room.

The most secure horses

Dustin holds E so RGT and Ori. Eric holds BTC and ETA holds E so BTC. And that's what the team really owns. So this for me is the most interesting part of the whole report. And then they share also what most funds, if you want to co-invest with funds, then this is what most funds 2021 were holding. Number one by far Paulka dot interest is also in our top 10 portfolio of 2021, but was one of the lowest horses. Then we have near OS network, Terra Ave, maker, and nervous network and Solan, and comes avalanche DOD file coin, keep network mean the graph and UNO. Interesting to see that there are some fast forces in there, but overall, this portfolio would be quite a bad portfolio compared to, for example, art top 10 or last year. So, so these are not the fastest horses.

They seem to be the most secure horses according to, to fund managers. If you wanna take that also as an inspiration for your portfolio, then they continue talking about Ethereum and their predict for the ecosystem. So they say institutions will buy even more Ethereum when the 2.0 comes out. Cause that makes it easier for them to buy. So Ethereum bullish, Solana, bullish, ADE bullish, even if it was very, very weak this year, magic bullish. We are also very bullish on magic moving forward 2022 because it is poly poly chain. It's it's, it's an ecosystem of chains actually. And they see even the Supercycle as a possibility, then they talk dos dos will be important for identification. The future of work will be in dos. So we should study already how work in a distributed autonomous organization is done right now. Cause that might be the future work for everybody.

The treasuries of Dows will look for more stability than 2021, and there might be legal frameworks for Dows coming up. And I think they are working on something like that. And then BC ecosystem will even be more active around dos and then bonus. He adds couple things that I find also quite nice to quite nice to read. First, we all should write more because writing really urges us to take position and to write down our thesis in written and then to share it with the world, which is makes our thinking more precise. Then we should be open. We shouldn't be maximalist in any single tribe of the crypto world, but just be open and receptive for things that come, not hold onto one of our favorites. And then having an information diet, just consuming people that really give you information that you need to act.

And then he gives even some life advice. We should marry have kids and move to herbs. So if we want some life advice, you can read also the E and these are some of the most interesting fundings that I found from you. There are many, many more, but for this video, I want to just to have you to have shared the, the top insights with you, especially interesting to me what they hold, their price, prediction, Bitcoin and E, and what to care about during the winter that will, of course come after every summer comes to winter. So hope that helps. Let me know what you need next and keep rolling everybody.

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