Curve Analysis - Is curve a 10x Should you buy


Curving bonds as a technology


As printers today, we analyzed together the curve do CRV because it was one of the winners of last week's weak markets. And so the five winners that in the weak market did strong. They are worth having a look because they might be anti fr, which means they become better under stress, or they might have strong network effects, which keep them from absorbing shocks. We wanna know if it's just a hi a coincidence because there was an announcement or a hype around them, or if they are really anti agile. And today we dig deep into curve Dow and check it with our checklist. Now, if you are new to this channel, this is about how you install your revenue systems. And these are how you earn money and of that, how much you can save and of that, how much you can invest and how to invest to either grow your wealth via focused allocation, or keep your wealth for future generations via diversification.

And today of the revenue systems, we talk out the investment system and especially what to do in a weak market, because when we analyzed the weak market of this week, we found one of the most important one, one of the winners was curve. And so let's dive into curve and see if it's worth watching the problem. It solves. Yes, it got a point there green because provides anonym purity of blockchain and the ability to move assets in a decentralized manner. Yes, then is it decentralized? Yes. It's integrated everywhere. That might be the reason why it could hold strong during the weak market where everybody was holding back and correcting, they were holding strong maybe because they are linked to so many parts that even if it one shock happens in one part, they still have six strong legs somewhere else. So networks effect. Yes, because of exactly we discussed right now, competition risk.

They are doing one thing. Well, they're called curve because they use the curving bonds as a technology to facilitate liquidity. Yeah. Many facilitate liquidity, but also they can minimize the pricing slip engine. This is their competitive advantage. Now, is it easy to hold? Mm, so yellow and the inflation risk, are they inflationary or deflationary? We only go for deflationary. And if there is something here at data that I don't get is getting immediately red because either the data is missing or it is hidden and both would be red. Now here we have great pluses. We have 20 billions in total value locked. And 80% of the supply voted to be locked by immunity by the Dow. So they voted on locking supply, billions of TBL, and it's integrated everywhere, strong so far. Let's see how it does in terms of regulatory risk, the asset class, you remember there are reserve crypto reserve, asset class platform, current C governance, token, stable coin, utility token security asset backed commodities, decentralized applications NFTs.

So this is a decentralized application at DXA decentralized exchange. And when the S E looks at it, they probably a security. And so this is high risk. This can go horribly wrong. So I was between, should I give it the yellow or a red? I, I gave it a yellow, but it could also be a red right now changes from every week. So that's why it's that if you think of investing in those things that can be classified as securities, then you have to watch each and every word of the S E because if they're against it, you are at high risk of losing your money. So velocity, both growth and direction. It holds. And looks good there green the team, he is incredibly smart. So Michael agarro the founder. He has a bronze medal in physics Olympia. So extremely smart person. That's a us, he's a top scientist.


That's a plus. He was a founder sorry. He was at LinkedIn doing infrastructure while LinkedIn had the scaling problem and everybody who scaled the company like we coach every day companies that scale scaling is super hard, especially for the infrastructure part. It's really challenging. You learn a lot and if you can do that, you can do everything. So that's a plus. Also he learns scaling, but it's yellow for me because I didn't see any marketing. I didn't see any UX. I didn't see any go to market superpowers there. Now. I just used half an hour research time so far. So maybe the reason I didn't find it, but for now it's a yellow, the community. Yeah. The GitHub community was a little bit boring for me. And I was also not very impressed by this Gordon telegram, but also not negatively impressed.


Changing every moment

So it's a hello and the technical analysis. Yeah. That's changing every, every moment. So I don't go in here because by the time you see it, this it's changed already. That's curved out. And how can you do your research? Let me show. I go to the Lama and you see the total value locked. You see that they're crushing it. And you see also the development over time, we click here, you can see competitors and how they're doing. You can see it compared to, through the us D and how the TBL has been progressing on a very good, steady pace. And and you can go to GitHub and do your analysis there. You can go to, this is the Dow where you see the proposals and how they vote. And it's funny, the, the user experience is like very beginning of the internet.

It reminds me of, I don't know, 1986. And when I was playing computer for the first time that's how old I am. Yeah. I was playing 84 and 86. And then there is the Dow itself. What I like I lot here is that they're very transparent about the total value locked. And, and this is where I, you can find the information about it being inflationary or the inflationary. When you do your, your diligence for now, they look very good. I'm happy that I own some curve. And I have it staked when I staked it, it was at 63% APR, which is amazing. And then a couple days later, it was, it was at 61, but I made a whole video. So if you want to buy curb, and if you stake it, I have it staked at what's the name it's also here. What was the name of this taking thing? Convex. I have it staked at convex

Finance and it had 63% when I did it. So it's one interesting possibility to have multiple small passive income streams and to stack them upon each other. Of course, passive income is never passive because you have, it comes from your earning system. You have earned it, and then now you are investing it, but it's an effortless way to keep and grow your wealth. And it can be called the passive income if you want. So hope that helps. This is curve. And now go and analyze the other coins for you. Word winners of this week. Keep rolling everybody.

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