The Joy of Living with Barry Shore | STRATEGY SPRINTS 177
In this episode, Simon welcomes Barry Shore, the ambassador of joy, founder of, serial entrepreneur and former quadriplegic. His mission is to transform the world through JOY. Listen to Barry Shore’s sharing about the joy of living.
3 Valuable Insights
- Become a conduit of goodness
- Make a difference in the world
- The joy of living can be summed up in one-word, giving
Show Notes
(00:17) -Simon: Welcome back everybody. To the spread, the breads podcast. I'm your host, Simon Severino and my guest today as successful serial entrepreneur with two multi-million dollar exits and three issued p tents. Today is the ambassador of joy. He's transforming the words through joy, his forthcoming book, the joy of life, how to slay stress and be happy. Reveals 11 strategies for living in joy daily. No matter the circumstances in the process of recovering from a full paralysis, Barry has become an avid swimmer. He now swims two miles a day, six times a week, accumulating more than 7,951 miles over 12 years in the water. People, his radio show, the joy of living is heard worldwide by hundreds of thousands and has over 2 million downloads. Welcome everybody. Berries Shore.
(01:21) -Barry Shore: Good day, Beautiful, love it. Immortal beings and good looking people. Now, Simon, how can I make the categorical statement that all the thousands and tens of thousands of people that are watching are all good-looking? Because by definition, if they've tuned into your show, they are always looking for and finding the good, that's a good-looking person looking for and finding the good in the world and multiplying it.
(01:50) -Simon: So cool to have you here. You are such a Ray of light and a hub of positivity. Let's go. There were 2014. Everything was dark. What happened 2014?
(02:09) -Barry Shore: Actually it was two zero, zero four, 2000 year. Also 2004, September 17th. Simon is using his own words because I'm going to tell you the story. And you might think that he's correct that it was dark. It actually wasn't. It was a real point of light. And for there, the greatest light came forth. But to make the story a little bit interesting, September 17th, two zero, zero four, I was standing up in the morning, just like I hope 99.9, 9% of everybody watching and listening to this, Hale and hearty able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. That evening I was in the hospital, completely paralyzed my neck down. It's called quadriplegia. And it was not for an automobile accident. It was not from a spinal injury or rare disease to go with my, and in a matter of hours, I was completely, totally paralyzed. I was 144 days in the hospital.
(03:08) -Barry Shore: I was in a hospital bed in my own home for two years. I couldn't turn over by myself. I was four years in a wheelchair. You see my hands it'll look like yours, but thank God I have hands. And they work a little bit. I had braces on both my legs from my hips to my ankles for a year and a half. And that was progress. But Simon today, thank God. I'm able to be vertical and ambulatory with the help of a seven foot walking. One made for me by a Zen master, which is a great story in itself, but I still can walk up a stair by myself. I can't walk up a curb by myself. I have helped 12 hours a day, seven days a week, but to hear my voice positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant. Why? Because I've learned to be able to see miracles in life every day.
(03:56) -Simon: This is powerful. So you don't even say it was a dark place. You say this was a moment that gave me the chance to see things differently.
(04:07) -Barry Shore: Absolutely opportunity. See we're this is a business oriented podcast. So let's talk about business. First of all, let's make sure we understand what business is. Business is not. Busy-ness. Business is an opportunity for human beings to engage in what I call the most productive, the most interesting, the most, uh, sharing process that exists in the world. Because nothing in the world happens until one person provides a service or a product to another person. And that person or group of people accepts it in a giving manner. So I urge you to understand and your listeners to understand the following Simon. Business is at one of the same time, transactional and transformational because if its not both transactional, the ability to exchange information, goods, services, and benefit from it from both sides, we call it making a profit or making money. But if it's not transformational for both sides, then it's really just the hustle. And as people out there, Hey, if I going to deal for you it up, I know that it's transactional and transformational. That's the genius of business. And that's what we're talking about in this podcast because we recognize that business is a soul experience. Am I correct time?
(05:44) -Simon: I have always said that we are not in the business of education, even if we have a ton of educational material, but I always say we are not in the business of education. We are in the business of transformation. That's what we do, nothing else. And now listening to you, I'm even thinking, Hey, this goes both sides. When we deliver a service or a product and we want to change a moment or a day of somebody's life, we also get transformed.
(06:17) -Barry Shore: Absolutely. That's that's the genius of the system. So when that's what you asked me when it was dark, okay, there was a period where it was, there was tension. It was stress, but it was the springboard for greatness. I want to make a mention to something here because oftentimes what happens on a podcast, Simon is the host and thank you. I'm humbled and honored to be here and I am the guest. Okay? And so oftentimes it's centered around, but this has very little to do with Barry shore and very little to do with Simon, even though thank God he's bringing this to you. It's all about you. Why all you, because you are now investing your most valuable asset your time and you're doing it because of the belief. The understanding that there is opportunity here that will enable you to become a bigger giver in the world because that's the essence, the joy of living can be summed up in one word giving. When you become a conduit of goodness, a cog or a child of God, then you now are opening up vast channels of opportunity. And that's the business is all about the ability to serve on a grand scale, right? Simon,
(07:35) -Simon: I just wrote down, become a conduit of goodness. I love this phrase.
(07:42) -Barry Shore: We love acronyms. So in my world at which is the world that we're sharing with you today, Simon and all the thousands of tens of thousands of people watching, listening. We urge everybody. By the way, if you even like it a little bit, share this with at least five people, that's it not 50 or a hundred thousand, five people that you touch, because we're working with the three fundamentals of life and, they are number one life. Your life has purpose. When you lead a purpose driven life, you can now go mad. Now in this case, Mad is a great acronym because mad stands for make a difference. You lead a purpose driven life. You make a difference in the world. And the third fundamental is that you can unlock and uncover the secrets and the power of everyday words in terms. Simple examples, Simon www what we're working with right now, ask anybody what is www Stanford and variability has something to do with the internet, right? And factually speaking, they're correct. But in our world, the world of the positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant www stands for drum roll fanfare. What a wonderful word.
(08:57) -Barry Shore: And what is aware of w H I T H very California word water. What a wonderful world. And of course, whenever you hear the opening bars of that, so we have just have a big thank you to Louis Armstrong Satchmo for enabling that song to go viral. It doesn't just touch tens of millions or hundreds of, billions of people around the planet are hearing. What a wonderful world.
And even here the opening part is what do you do right away? Simon? Just what you're doing is smile right now. Smile is one of the most important words you could ever integrate, utilize and leverage in your life because smile stands for seeing miracles in life every day, every day. I got to tell you a quick story, Simon, uh, whether I'm speaking to 50 people or 5,000 and before the pandemic, which we're at the end of now, remember the pandemic is mostly here, but okay. It caused a lot of terrible disruption and death around the world, but it's mostly here, but we'll pass. We're passing through it. Now on to the other side, the dark time is now becoming light because the vaccine and people feeling the power of being 21 again, right? Remember being 21, you felt like you're doing anything in the world. That's what 21 is breaking us.
(10:17) -Barry Shore: So the ability to see miracles in life, people always like just before COVID I was a, I spoke in front of 5,000 people and people raised they're very short, very short. I've been up for hours where I haven't seen any miracles. And I asked them, are you here? Can you hear, can you see, can you stand? Can you walk, give water, drink your food TV, a place to sleep. Your family and friends. Every single one of those is a miracle, simple example, a million plus people didn't get out of bed this morning, Simon. You know why they died. If you're here watching this or listening to this, you're alive, therefore live exuberantly. That's what life is for. I got to tell you a quick story. My eight year old niece comes over to me a couple of weeks ago. He says, uncle Barry, uncle Barry, can we spell smile? S M I E L. And I thought, if I said, smile, smile is how's the same. Why not? I asked her how come cause she says, cause that it would stand for seeing miracles in everyday life.
(11:23) -Barry Shore: Under the mouth of Dave’s an eight year old, but what was she doing? Simon? She was creating the kind of world she wants to live in and create is a great word causing, rethinking, and enabling all to Excel. It's rethinking how you think about life. We have a brain that brain has over a hundred billion brain cells and more than 10,000 trillion synopsis connecting them all. And then therefore wasn't deciding kind of latte you want this morning. The ability to think in this world is the cause of goodness of purpose, of positivity, of benefit to everyone.
(12:09) -Simon: I really think that most entrepreneurial skills we all had when we were seven years old, like 90% I learned in the first seven years is to play, to be here, to, to make friends, to, to risk to say, do you want to be my friend? And then it might go wrong, but do it anyways. Reach out, lose yourself, find, find maybe yourself again. And, uh, and cooperate, cooperate. And I, I would say this is 90% of the entrepreneurial skills that I needed later on when doing business. And then some 10% is okay. There is some technology to learn and to master and to change from time to time. But it's, these are just vehicles, I think. Yes, that's the tools.
(13:05) -Barry Shore: I, I wholeheartedly endorse what you say. I would like to give you a, a, a parable if I may. So in my humble opinion, everyone, everyone has for what you get over the age of 21. Everybody lives in for ages at the same time. And to show you how, how spot on Simon is. So what are the ages of your chronological age chronologically? I'm 72 metabolically. I'm 46 because as Simon pointed out, thank God. I've been able to learn how to swim. Again. I swim two miles a day, six days a week. I've been doing it for 12 years, thousands and thousands of miles. I accumulated so metabolic in 46. Mental acuity is 28. Cause I worked with a lot of 28 year olds, 25, 26, 27, 30 even. And my sow is eight. And sow what is he talking about? Sense of wonder.
(14:00) -Barry Shore: My sense of wonder is an eight year old. You said seven. So I'm just saying to you stay where you are not to be childish, to be childlike as Simon points out, stay between seven and nine. And you're cool. You go into 10, 11 adds already. Difficulties stuff happens, but in seven, eight, nine, now you combine, everybody has these four ages. At the same time, you ever quite a logical metabolic your mental acuity. Keep it sharp. How by doing what he just mentioned, using the tools that exist in any particular time and get that extra 10%. So you can now be a service person. It doesn't matter if you have a product you're still giving a service. So you mentioned cooperation. Well, I like to use the term coopertition. You can cooperate and compete and this with the same person, and maybe in two different times, sometimes you cooperate.
(14:56) -Barry Shore: Sometimes you compete, but it's all done with the idea of being of service. You remember, business is transactional and transformational because you're living in purpose. You're here to go mad to make a difference. You only care about bringing benefit in the world when your mindset is organized to being Bob, being a benefit, say, Hey, my name is Bob. That's what I do. I'm bringing a benefit. I'm a fountain of goodness living. You live in Vienna. You have fog oftentimes, right? So now when you walk out the fog, you say, Oh, I'm a fountain of goodness. I'm a fountain of gratitude because gratitude is that emotion, which has the longest shelf life. It is the key to living exuberantly gratitude. That's what you are simon. That's when you do that, you do the podcast. Why? Because likely Pat, Hey Simon, he's great. He has millions of downloads. He brings all this interesting people that he brings it because he wants to be a service and look at his, uh, that he has up on the screen for this particular year. Surfboard Palm trees was where I live. But it's the, it's the mindset that he has. The mindset is that it's open. It's giving it's free. It's exuberant. It doesn't matter where he lives. He lives in Vienna. So it could be cold in the winter. It is he's feeling California's spirit.
(16:28) -Simon: So how can we unlearn and re, refined? Oh, I remember I was even 17, 18 years, even 20 years old. And some friends would laugh at me. What do you do? Why don't you come with us? And in the evening? And I was like, you know, I have this Terraza and I can look at the stars. And I, I love to do it for hours. I don't know. I just look at them and I, I, I am happy and I am, I am in a trend state. I just look at the stars and all, come on, come with us. I'm going to look at the stars tonight. And then, and then at some point it was completely natural to me. At some point I lost it in the, in the frantic years, basically. Yeah. In the business years, in the frantic years, I lost it. And I guess I'm not the only person on earth. How can, how can we undo unlearn that all these, all this stuff that we put on top of it and get back to being in, Oh, it's a mystery. It's it is a miracle. How, how do we get there?
(17:47) -Barry Shore: Okay. Can I give you a simple answer? Sure. There isn't any, however, I would like to share with you Simon and everybody watching share, by the way is a great acronym. It stands for spreading happiness and rejuvenating energy, spreading happiness, and rejuvenating. That's what you do when you share your very being. So I would like to refine, maybe even reframe some of what you mentioned, don't unlearn. Don't worry about the past. Let's go forward. We don't want to, I don't want to go back to another time, uh, to recapture the moments when you were looking at the stars, what you want is you want that energy. That sow, that sense of wonder, by the way, star is a great acronym, sunshine, transformed and reformatted. Cause that's what a star is, right? What were you doing when you're looking at the stars? You were seeing time Simon before it happened.
(19:02) -Barry Shore: It wasn't let's think about what you were doing. Why were you entranced? Because intellectually you didn't realize it, but you were looking at some things that were, we'll define it in terms that are hard to explain billions of miles away. What does that mean to us? We can't comprehend it. It's hard enough to comprehend a billion dollars. It's hard it's hard enough to comprehend a billion seconds. And yet you've lived it. A billion seconds is 31.5, nine years. You've already lived over a billion seconds, but we can't understand the concepts yet. So what do we want to do? We want to go forward and do what you said. Risk being happy is one of the 11 strategy. By the way, in the book, the boy, the book is really titled the joy of living and it's coming out in print a second, third week in January.
(20:02) -Barry Shore: Thank God. And the subtitle is how to slay stress and be happy. Risk being happy. Risk is an important benefit of living life because here is something that is simple. It is true. And if you hear it, fight against it and then embrace it, it will change everything for you for the better. Are you ready? I am. You cannot fail. I want to repeat it, everybody. You cannot fail. Now let me say one more time. You cannot fail. And of course, there's a mindset out there that, Oh, come on, Barry shore. You've got to come down. I can't be true. I tried this and keep doing, keep moving forward. Simple example in my life. Try to imagine do this by the way. It's a, it's a great, um, should we say exercise? It will take you about eight seconds and I urge you don't do it for more than eight seconds. You'll freak out. Tonight, we lied down. Simon, lie down on your back, breathe a little bit and then recognize, Hey, toes, move. And your toes. Don't move. Can't move your feet. Can't move your fingers. Can't move your hands. You can't move your body. Nothing on your body moves. And it can't now imagine being that way for years. Again, don't do this more than eight seconds. You freak out. But that's where I was for years.
(21:50) -Barry Shore: I went mad. But in this case, Mad then means make a difference. I had no idea why I'm here. What am I supposed to do? Did I
(22:00) -Barry Shore: Say why God, why me? Why did you do this to me?
(22:06) -Barry Shore: Thankfully, I didn't. I was 55 years at that point I was about to, cause I was asked a question by a male nurse, Mr. Shore, how come you want to angry and bitter. I work with people that are paralyzed all the time. I've never met anybody who's not angry and bitter. I wasn't. And when I was in that moment and I realized that the good Lord had put me in a particular place that, Hey, Barry shore, I need your attention. Really? I need your attention. I have no idea what's going to happen, but whenever you want, I will do at that moment, Simon, I had the greatest calm they had known in over half a century. Couldn't move. So now I'm in bed, hospital, bed my own home two years. And I have I'm envisioning what it means to move my legs again, to be able to move my feet over the side of the bed, to be able to stand up. Did that take years? Yes. Was it frustrating? Oftentimes, hello? I'm human.
(23:18) -Barry Shore: Did I ever realize and feel and know that something positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant was going to happen? Yes I can. I still can't walk up a stair by myself or a curb and I've helped 12 hours a day, seven days a week. So you hear my voice, right? Positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant. Why? Seeing miracles in life every day, creating the kind of world we want to live in. So you ask, I say, don't look back, look forward. Understand that when you look at the sun, the sun is 93 million miles away. You're an astronomer, an amateur one, but you're an astronomer, right? The sun is 93 million miles. So anybody ever asked you, Hey Simon, how far can you see? 93 million miles unaided eye? Wow. That's pretty cool. How long does sunlight when you hold up your hand and a beam of sunlight is in your Palm. How long did it take to get there? We'll need, the speed of light is a hundred. It took 8.3 minutes for that sunlight to get into your hand. If that doesn't make you go, wow, what will? So I've been working with this concept called time.
(24:37) -Barry Shore: Time is an acronym for me, stands for thoughtful insights, meaningfully expressed. And I have you worked with that for years, but just recently, someone gave me an idea and I realized aha, but this is aha moments, right? Time also stands for thinking it's miraculous every day, teaching it's miraculous every day, time, thinking it's miraculous everyday. You know why that it's miraculous every day. The ability to live in the moment to be here now is the greatest opportunity that you could ever have. It doesn't matter how much money you have, how much you make, what you do. You cannot fail when the mind, your thoughts and your words and your deeds are oriented towards goodness. When you do that, you will succeed.
(25:46) -Simon: This is powerful, especially in these times where many of us are troubled by questions and could go into why me, why now, et cetera, which is not helpful. And these are power. This is our two powerful exercises. One, the eight seconds exercise, just to realize how much movement, how much complexity, how much intelligence is here for us at our disposal, um, all the time and how we can do with it.
(26:25) -Barry Shore: Time that it's miraculous every day. Let's, let's talk about the word stress. Cause I know time is of the essence. Uh, it is the most searched word on the internet, outside of COVID or vaccine right now theme, but it affects everybody throughout the world. Is that agreed. The word stress in any language is probably a no matter what Lang even Chinese, they say stress. So I want to share with everybody a way of looking at stress. Stress is a great acronym that stands for stomach turning reality and enabling self sabotage. I lost my job. I lost the house. My wife did this. My cousin committed suicide. You know, what's going on in the world is terrible. Everything was falling apart.
(27:28) -Barry Shore: Am I correct? Simon? That's how that's what's going on in people's life, stomach turning reality. They will. Self-sabotage there's another opportunity. Same word, stress, stomach, turning reality. Something really tough is happening. Wash the job, lost the home, something happening in the family. Cause of committed to it stuff. Real stuff. Stomach turning reality. Enabling self success. How you respond, not react. How you respond in any situation is really what makes your life. Respond is the key takeaway for everybody in business, everybody in life, everybody that is breathing, the six most important words you will ever hear integrate, utilize and leverage in your life. Choice, not chance determines your destiny choice, not chance, determines your destiny, stomach turning reality. Something really tough enabling self-success. How do I choose to respond? And that will make the difference in your life that will make it. So though others call a dark moment. The point of the rocket ship going up of new light of new opportunity. Everybody, everybody has this opportunity. As long as you're alive, you cannot fail, risk being happy. That's what Simon says and you're right.
(29:22) -Simon: And then you said as long as your intention is good. So if today we feel stressed. If we feel we, if we have question Mark, if we think, okay, how am I going to do this with my business in this difficult circumstances tomorrow, next week? So the first thing that we can do is to see how, how much is working really well. Even in these circumstances, how much resources and potential is there. And then, but also focusing on, on the, on our intention, how do we respond to this?
(30:05) -Barry Shore: So stress that's where you're mentioning stress exists. By the way, stress, you can't build muscle, unless you have stress. There's a powerful, positive, purposeful pleasant aspect of stress. That's what it means to work on swimming for me. You see my upper body Arnold would be jealous. I spent two miles at a time without stopping. I couldn't do that when I was a civilian. That's what we call people. Don't have issues like us. That's a hundred minutes in the pool, continually swimming without stopping, the ability to understand stomach turning reality, to enable and self-success. Where can I find the good number? You're a good looking person, always looking for and finding the good, but the good is a great word. Simon, G O O D. Right? Let's take that second. Oh, make a little snip in it. Elongate it. Now it turns into word gold because when you think in good and you speak in good and you act in good, guess what you're doing?
(31:16) -Barry Shore: You're producing gold. So the answer to the question of, can you buy happiness? The answer is yes. You just have to know the right currency. It's the good, that turns into gold. That's the true alchemy of life you want to have Happiness? It’s right there for you. It's right here. Now you want to be a spiritual chiropractor. You know what a chiropractor does he or she adjusts your body, right? To make sure that all the things that alignment would be a Scott, uh, spiritual, uh, chiropractor, use your strategies, sprints to align your thoughts, your words, and your deeds in goodness. And now you become the conduit of goodness. A child of God. I'd like to share an exercise. If I may, it takes, it may even take you a minute. In the course of a day, I would like everybody to consider doing the, this three times a day, consciously and conscientiously, not just saying the words consciously and conscientiously to use the two most powerful words in the English language three times a day. And these two words are drum roll fanfare.
(32:34) -Barry Shore: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Imagine that you're able to go back into a real coffee shop again. Hello, Vienna. Talk about coffee shops around the world. These days. When you go back into the energy, your coffee shop and your order, your fancy latte, Simon for five and a half dollars. Us, whatever the currency, local better expensive latte, right? You go to the coffee shop, you order it. You sit down and somebody brings it to you say, thank you consciously conscientiously. You go with your law, your offense, your coffee shop. You already have fancy latte for five and a half dollars. And you sit down a few minutes, go by. Nobody brings it to you. You go to the counter said, Oh, I'm sorry, we're busy. We forgot. We'll bring it to you a few more minutes. Go by Saturday. Basically. You still say, thank you.
(33:22) -Barry Shore: You're walking out of the coffee shop and it's raining out. Somebody holds the door up a few. What do you say? Thank you. You're walking out of the coffee shop and it's raining. And somebody slams the door on you. What do you say? Thank you. You're stuck in traffic. You're late for an appointment. Somebody cuts you off. What do you say? Thank you. You get up in the middle of the night. You stub your toe in. It hurts. What do you say? Thank you. Thank stands for to harmonize and network kindness, to harmonize and network kindness. The Dalai Lama has been quoted as saying, I read in his writing, be kind whenever possible. And it's always possible. He says Simon and I are a part of a networking group, a networking group of like-minded individuals who are joining together in their four soul forces to bring into the world.
(34:17) -Barry Shore: Joy, happiness, peace, and love by acting in good by stinking in good by speaking in good saying thank you consciously and conscientiously three times a day will change your life for the better. And by definition, you're the hub. You said it perfectly Simon. You're the hub. And everyone around you becomes better. And it reverberates throughout the world. You want to fight that pandemic of this, create the kind of world we want to live in causing rethinking, enabling all to Excel. That is what's going to provide your business, your business of life with abundance bountiful, because you are channeling. Goodness.
(35:07) -Simon: Thank you, Barry. You have, you have now the chance to give the strategy award to one person. When everybody's zigging, this person is zagging. From your perspective, this person is doing the right things. Who, who do you give the strategy award to?
(35:33) -Barry Shore: I'm going to give it to two people. I'll say them fast so you can't stop me after the first one. In today's world, Jordan Peterson and Simon Sinek.
(35:50) -Barry Shore: Both of them have been out there zigging and zagging for years. And millions of people are now beginning to listen and we want millions and millions more because everyone that is being touched by Jordan Peterson or Simon Sinek is touched in the very being. And that's where you want that when the heart begins to pump a little faster and the intellect says what's going on, and then you can make potentially a, how should we say strategic sprint between the two and make a connection. Then you go mad. Then you make a difference in the world. So that's who I would give the award to. And we'll take two. Instead of too, in this case, two, Two, two, two, two.
(36:45) -Simon: Are there's some books that influenced you more than others?
(36:58) -Barry Shore: For me personally. Absolutely. Number one, Psalms, how do you say Psalms? Uh, in, uh, in Italian, some say, okay, how do you say Psalms in Austrian, Sandra? Thank you. I don't know how to say it in, in w and uh, Oriental languages. You know, my wife is from Thailand. I have to ask her one day, but Psalms are some of the most remarkable, uh, thoughts that have been put down and transmitted over the millennia. And that's why the millennia, they are songs of the mind and the heart. And they touch almost every circumstance in life. Another is so tried and true that most people have not the hell. Yeah, I heard of that, but they don't read it. And I mean, reading it time after time, after time think and grow rich, think and grow rich. Most people focus on the last word, rich. They think money, money, money, which by the way, very important money is a great mechanism for transactional processes.
(38:13) -Barry Shore: Money is also transformational because it will either enslave you or become the best tool that you ever had. So that's where the transformation takes place. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill and another. It's an essay. And it was given verbally, it's called acres of diamonds, acres of diamonds and Simon. If you have not heard of it, or if you've not read it, I plead with you. Beg of you, urge you before this calendar year is up, to do a quick search acres of diamonds. You will rejoice, sir, as will everybody who reads it. It's not long, but it's really evolutionary and powerful. And it produced results that still happened in the world today because when one person giving this particular talk, thousands and thousands of times and being written down, great universities have been built and influenced millions upon millions of people, maybe billions of people on the planet who maybe had never read it, but understand the concepts readily because they speak to the very heart of the being acres of diamonds.
(39:44) -Simon: Is it the story about, uh, everything is greener there, uh, but you should start here where you are and yeah.
(39:52) -Barry Shore: Yes. So Simon has given you in a nut shell, by the way, I'm a nut people say, are you or not? I say, thank you very much. Could nut stands for never underestimate thanking, never underestimate thinking. So Simon is touching upon. One of the great story happens to me then. And part of my life, I was in the diamond business, the diamond bit with the five I was in, I called it the happiness business, because that's what happens when you're dealing in something that's so wonderful. And again, transactional, transformational, thank God it did extremely well. And I retired at a very young age from business and then got back involved in business building again, because I'm a builder. That's what people do we build. But yes, acres of diamonds. When you read the story again, it will resonate because it's built on that foundational idea of, Oh, me here now, now, wherever I am is the right place. What a profound, amazing concept. And to be able then to be here now, once you can do that with your being will begin to resonate and resonate has the idea of Psalm. Then you become that channel of goodness in the world.
(41:18) -Simon: Beautiful. And um barry, where can people stick around the read more of your watch, more of you?
(41:34) -Barry Shore: Well, there's a lot of me, go to, www, which of course stands for what a wonderful world dot Barry B A R R Y S H O R E Barry You will find so many free F R E E it's a four letter word. I love using four letter words, free resources there on how to become a joy generator, how to learn, how to meditate in 94 seconds. Just wonderful, wonderful things. And as a free gift, if I may offer Simon, everybody watching, listening, go to Barry, and you will get free gift worth $50. Uh, some just remarkably wonderful, uh, short two- or three-minute videos of me sharing over the 11 strategies for living in Joy daily. Simon, are we loving this or what?
(42:37) -Simon: I love this brought up. We are far away geographically, but, uh, I feel you, uh, here in Vienna right now and, uh, Barry, who should be my next guest.
(42:51) -Barry Shore: That's a great question. I think I actually, I would like to suggest to people and they both have the first same name. One is Jordan Adler. You look up Jordan Adler. He is a remarkable being who does so many flying things. Uh, he wrote a book that so many hundreds of thousands of copies have been sold and all the proceeds go to help a nonprofit. He wrote a book called beach money, beach money, like your photograph, somebody sitting on the beach and be able to know that just by the very presence because of the work they put in on the front end, that there's an income coming in passively all the time. Jordan's income happens to be over a hundred thousand dollars a month. A month.
(43:45) -Barry Shore: That's right. He was able to invest his time and his money once he shifted his mindset. By the way, if we're all talking about shift, shift happens, right? When you learn that business is transactional transformational, the, the issue is that Simon, most people drop the F when they say shift. And then they think of the other stuff shift happens. So Jordan Adler, and if you could possibly find again and reach out and, and introduce Jordan Peterson, Jordan Peterson, uh, and one of the reasons I'll say is because historically you might have, this might be the hook to bring Jordan Peterson and why? Cause you're sitting in Vienna now, for those who don't know this, but I presume almost you never know about life. Uh, Vienna is the hub, the nub, the cradle of, uh, psychoanalysis, the ability to learn about oneself, because that's what we're here for, the ability of life is to be that blossom that opens up.
(44:52) -Barry Shore: And the more you learn about you, Y O U and becoming the best, you remember this show is a lot about Barry short side, about Simon. It's about you, you being the best you, the planet needs you without you. We can't continue to go forward. So by you being the best you, everything good happens, but you're in Vienna. The cradle of the beginning of the process of what Jordan Peterson speaks about. So that might be a hook, an enticement, to be able to bring him in and say, come and join those people. That really began things that happen. I mean, for me, I don't even want to talk about Freud or young. I would speak about Victor Frankl. Victor Frankl lived down the street from where you are now, Simon. I mean, wherever you want, because Vienna, by the way, let's be blunt in the, in the city itself is not large. You know, the environs may be, but Victor Frankl lived there, there spoke there, bring to it and Peterson bring to it and Adler. And if you want though, think of some others,
(46:00) -Simon: Very, we were in California today. We built this little moment that is hopefully as park a hub for people to really go and do what you just gave them, which are super cool tools and also a pointer to somewhere where they can, they can get even more inspiration like this. It's wonderful to have you on the show. Please come back very soon when you write your next book, Barry, because you're getting started. My friends.
(46:29) -Barry Shore: Thank you. Um, I would like to do something in front of thousands and tens of thousands of people around the world. So I'm in, I'm going to give you a hug. Are you ready? One, two, three.
May I give a blessing to everybody? Yes. Our blessing to you go forth, live exuberantly, spread the seed of joy, happiness, peace and love.
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